Tuesday, 31 May 2016

Go Tell Tattle Turtle

This is our new friend - Tattle Turtle. 
He is a friend who listens to you. You can tell him anything. Sometimes, if you listen carefully he will give you some advice to help you solve a problem. 
This is Tattle Turtles nest. He lives here, sitting on eggs in a hole in the sand close to the ocean shore. 
This is a portrait of his ocean home. 

He lives right here on our window ledge, available for the children to come and tattle to or just talk about their day. 

Sometimes the kids tell on their friends about things that they can solve themselves. Like "he didn't help clean up with me. " So we tell the children to tell tattle turtle. I bet he'll help you solve the problem. (Because they already know to give their friend a reminder to help them)

If it is an emergency, then they know to tell a teacher. 

Wednesday, 25 May 2016


We are soooooo hot!!!!
If anyone is willing to donate small packages of freezies, it would allow us to have a cold treat after those hot recesses. We are able to store them in our classroom freezer. 


THANK YOU FOR ALL THE DONATIONS!!! Kids are loving it!!

Tuesday, 24 May 2016

Greenview Aviaries June 17

Here is the information note about our upcoming field trip. Field trip forms will be sent home today. You will also see a notice to pay for this field trip via School Cash Online. 
Please let us know by email or note that you or another child will be joining your kindergarten child on this trip.  


Thursday, 19 May 2016

Loonie License - School Cash Online

Just a reminder that tomorrow is Loonie License, a school wide incentive to sign up for the new online banking option, School Cash Online. A note was sent home with directions to sign up. There was also a not sent home encouraging you to try out the new online payment system, allowing the kids to purchase a license for some fun activities. Those include, bring an electronics to school, crazy hair, pajama day, chew gum, wear a hat, bring a stuffy. It is $1.00 each or $5.00 for all 6. If you would like to just pay cash, that is still an option.

Also a reminder that when we return from the long weekend on Tuesday, it is Subway lunch.

Wednesday, 18 May 2016

Welcome to the Sandbar, how many in your party?

This is a very exciting week in FDK. We have opened our very own restaurant, The Sandbar.

We would like to thank Mr. Golla (Jagger's dad) for supplying our classroom with all these cool restaurant props. It was such a great surprise to see all the things you sent for the children. It was like Christmas!!! They have put everything to use.Thank you so much!!!

They have dressed the part of server and chef.
Seriously?? Could this chef be any sweeter?

We are ready for so many customers with trays and bills, and money holders and gift cards and pots and pans and dishes...
Taking orders

setting the table, its the grand opening!

May I take your order?

"look, I made a strawberry smoothie"
"How do you spell salad?"
Enjoy your sandwich
The cook is telling the staff what to do, wash the dishes, bring the food out, sweep up the food on the floor.
Chef is hard at work whisking
My salad!!
Just look at the magic happening here!
Reading, writing, talking, role playing.
Chef G is tossing with his tongs
Future server at the Sandbar

This is the pizza oven area
P has made another menu with prices referencing the money we have learned about

Tuesday, 17 May 2016

Rock painting

Painting was the activity of choice today. The boys wanted to paint rocks that they brought in from recess. We went back out and looked for more, some cool shapes and sizes. We also found a sandstone...that led to even more inquiry!

X is grinding down a sandstone.
"These rocks are different. This one has sand on it. It rubs off with this rock. It's hard and rough."

It just so happened I have a book about painting rocks.

Some children wanted to draw their designs first before they added paint. Great Planning!!!

There was lots of idea sharing, chit chat and other ways of getting the paint on those rocks. (fingers)

The girls wanted to get into the painting also. These 2 girls did something interesting in these paintings. They showed me their similarities and symmetry. WOW!


This is a challenging game of finding 2 cards that make one word.
They worked together in teams to help each other out.

We've introduced money, identifying coins and some bills.
Here, they have an opportunity to sort the coins. They get to see the animals on each coin up close and recognize the different sizes, colours and numbers on each coin.

Follow the letters or sounds to get to the other side of the path. They did such an awesome job reading and saying sounds!!

This was an activity to determine objects that are soft or hard.

Number recognition and counting was the name of this fun flower game.

Sunday, 8 May 2016

The return of Guacamole

We noticed that FINALLY the avocado seed that we had sitting in water since February is sprouting some roots. Well, the children wanted to make guacamole again, and eat nacho chips. What a perfect excuse to recap some things we learnt and work together to make guacamole and have a little snack together!

Tuesday, 3 May 2016

Spring walk

During our spring walk, the children observed so many things happening outside, then they collected some things to bring back to class to look at a little more closely.
In this picture the children are exploring a bouquet of flowers, just like we would find growing outside.
They were able to touch them, smell them and pull them apart. On the light table you could see the patterns and veins in the petals. The pop bottles and paint were the perfect representation of flower petals.

Just a few of the many, many, many dandilion bouquets I received during our walk.
So many to pick in this wide open field!!
The children love going to the bridge, there are so many things to see. We noticed the pollution, and that concerned some friends. They wondered what lived in that water, fish, ducks, alligators?

What is this!?
We are going to explore this animal home more.
"it's an underground hole"
"it looks like a flower'

Monday, 2 May 2016

Earth day

The children noticed our 2 "lakes". One was dirty and one was clean. The provocation for the children was "I wonder how the lakes got so dirty?"

The children documented their observations

They gave reasons why our water got so dirty, like people throwing their garbage on the ground and it blows into the lake.
We learned new vocabulary like litter and pollution.

The children discussed ways to help clean up our lakes, like using a net to scoop it out. And to be sure you recycle and put garbage in the the garbage bag.
We used gloves to help clean up the lake. The children were concerned that the fish and other animals would die in the dirty water.
The children also learned about reusing, reducing and recycling.

Oh No!! Garbage in our creek. The alligators will eat it and be sick!!
We looked at pictures of the earth, and used the globe to see how much water there is on the earth. The children made their own beautiful earths that they will help to keep clean.

  • identify ways in which they can care for and show respect for the environments
  •  participate in environmentally friendly activities in the classroom and schoolyard