Friday, 15 January 2016

Let it Snow

If we can't get outside, we'll bring the inside in!!
This may look like ordinary play in a bin of snow, but it is so much more. There is so many curriculum goals being accomplished in this inquiry.

The children asked...
"why can't we go outside today?"

C "It's so cold"
S "Ya, it's freezing on my hands."
"Won't the snow melt in here?"
Educator "Do you think the snow will melt in here?"
C "yes because it's warm in here."
(demonstrating an understanding of the natural world. Comparing and order 2 or more objects according to an appropriate measure. cold vs. warm.)

A "is this real snow?"
(participating in environmentally friendly activities in the classroom. State problems and pose questions before investigation.)
M "I made a snow castle. My Auntie showed me how to make it like this."
(Express their thoughts and share experiences.)
(demonstrate the ability to take turns in activities, an awareness of ways of making and keeping friends.)

X "Mine is stuck together. It's like a big ball. It's heavy."
(demonstrating measurement with weight.)

B "look, when I squeeze it in my hand it's stuck together and it melts."
Educator "why is it melting in your hand?"
C "because your hand is warm!"

B "Look Mrs. L, I made this snowflake."
(Select and and use tools, equipment and materials to construct things using the design process.)

L "Can we put snow in these?"
Educator "look up at the window."
All 3 "Wow! Cool!"
A "there's so much snow in there."
M "it's melting in here already."

More the discussion was about how come some snow packs and some doesn't?
"because its not the right kind."
"Sometimes there's not enough."
"It needs to be wet."

The next step...What will happen with a cup of snow in the freezer, and a cup of snow left on the counter till tomorrow?
"They will both melt, cuz the freezers not cold enough."
"This one will melt, and that one will be ice."

We predicted and we observed the following day.We discovered so much!

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