Wednesday, 25 November 2015

"Do bees go to those flowers?"

This afternoon we put this on the table. We added some paint and paper, and waited.

"This is my flower, like that one."
educator-can this flower be planted outside here and the bees will come?
"No, its cold here. It will die."

"Do bees come to this flower?"
educator-I don't know, but I bet we can find out. Shall I get the iPad out and look?
educator-it says here they grow in the ground in Florida where it is warm and bees pollinate the Poinsettia .
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"I'm just doing this. what is this?"
educator-this is paint.
"oh, I'm painting. Can I bring this home?"
educator- F, tell me about all your lines and colours.
(looks at her picture) "I have nothing to say."
educator-well I like it. I see you use a lot of red and black. This is an abstract painting. It still reminds me of the poinsettia.
(new fancy word)
Sometimes the children are very focused that they have nothing to say.
But tomorrow when she looks at her piece again and can reflect, I know she will have a lot to tell me.
I can't wait to hear it.
"wanna know what this is? It's a red storm."
educator-why is your storm red?
"it just is, It's red."
"I want to paint Naughty Mabel."
(thats a dog we just read about)

Educator- this flower is also called a Christmas flower.
"I have these at home."
"Me too, but mine are plastic so they don't get dead."
"These leaves are soft."
"They aren't just red ya know."

So not all provocations go as you expect, sometimes the children go somewhere else with their work. And thats ok, tomorrow we will try again.

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